Friday, April 5, 2013

Where To Start

Does anyone really have confidence in the political class at this time. I certainly don't. Simply examine government performance at all levels, federal, state and local governments. Whether it's foreign policy, the economy, healthcare, military affairs or just state highway maintenance, much of what the government is supposed to get accomplished (or has taken on as a responsibility) is a mess.

The premise of my blog is to highlight what I believe is the core problem in the United States. Many in the political class are stupid, incompetent and or venal. As voters we are the ones responsible for the situation. By not holding elected officials accountable and by extension the appointed admin and civil servants we are allowing incompetence and venality to flourish. We are also laying the groundwork that will lead, in my opinion to a new American fascism. I'm not talking about brown shirts and swastikas,  a "Seven Days In May" military coup or even the "black helicopters" type of new world order. I'm simply describing a drip, drip drip steady loss of individual liberty and personal freedom and any semblance of control by citizens over all types of  government activity.

Who are the political class in my book? I identify them as executive branch appointees, legislators, their staffs, assorted bureaucrats, as well as the various lobbyists, news media people, government employee union leaders, lobbyists and of course the kind folks who gloss themselves as "community activists".

So, from time to time I intend to use this space as vehicle to vent frustration with all sorts of people and situations that arise so frequently these days.